Complaints policy
We want to help solve your problems
At Birmingham Midshires, we aim to provide you with the highest standards of service. However,
sometimes things can, and do, go wrong and when this happens we encourage customers
to tell us about it so we can aim to put things right. Our staff will do all they
can to resolve any problems and ensure that you receive a quick and fair response
to any complaints you may have.
We have a complaints handling procedure in place. Our procedures meet the standards
set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA have published consumer guidance
on how to make a complaint. Copies can be downloaded from the FCA website or you can contact them on 0300 500 5000.
Complaints Data
We are committed to transparency and publish details of the complaints data we last
reported to the FCA. View the complaints data for firms associated with Birmingham Midshires.
How to complain
There are three ways to get in touch with us to make a complaint:
- By phone call us on 0345 602 2828
- By post write to us at:
BM Savings Customer Relations Team
Birmingham Midshires
Pendeford Business Park
Wobaston Road
By email
Although we provide you with an e-mail address, you need to be aware that e-mail is not a secure way to get in touch. You might feel more comfortable calling us to discuss your complaint.
If you decide to e-mail us, do not quote any sensitive account information such as your account numbers, we won't be liable for any lost data you supply. But to help us resolve your complaint as
quickly as possible, please include:
- Your full name
- First line of your address and postcode
- The banking product your complaint is about
- As much information about the complaint as you feel able to give (excluding account numbers and sensitive account information)
- Any particular actions you should wish us to take to resolve your complaint
- A contact number and the best times to contact you, as we'll call you once we've received your email.
Mail us at:
To help us resolve your complaint we may want to phone you so please include a contact number (providing a mobile number where possible) and advise when the most suitable time is for us to telephone you.
If your query is urgent, contact our call centre on 0345 602 2828.
We're open Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6pm. We aim to resolve your concerns
within 24 hours. Sometimes it may take longer to look into the matter fully. If
this happens, we will let you know within five bank working days who will deal with
your complaint.
The staff at our call centre are best placed to deal with most complaints as they've
day to day responsibility for running our customers' accounts. If they can't resolve
your problem immediately, they'll refer your complaint to their manager.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gives us a maximum number of days to issue a
final response;
- If your complaint relates to payment services or e-money (e.g. Direct Debit, Online
Transaction) we aim to issue a final response within 15 business days after receiving
your complaint. Should something outside of our control cause a delay, the FCA gives
us a maximum of 35 business days.
- For all other types of complaint the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gives us eight
weeks to issue a final response but we will aim to get your complaint resolved well
before this deadline.
Still not happy?
If you still feel we haven't resolved your complaint satisfactorily, you can ask
the Financial Ombudsman Service to review it. The Ombudsman will only become involved
after you have tried to resolve the issue directly with us first. There's no charge
for using their service. You can find out more by visiting the Financial Ombudsman Service website
Please note: You may be able to submit a claim through the European Online Dispute Resolution
Platform if you live outside the United Kingdom or if you prefer not to deal directly with the Financial Ombudsman Service.
What to expect from us
When we write to you with our final response, we'll also explain your right to take
your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Our letter will include their contact details and give you information about your
complaint to help you put your case to the Ombudsman, if that's what you decide.